Mellel 4.1
Mellel 4.1 includes several exciting new features, including DOCX import, character tracking, and more. Also included with this version are various imporvements to the Outline and to Auto-indent.

New Features in Mellel 4.1

DOCX support

Yes, it’s the one you’ve been waiting for. And it’s here. Now all of you who suffer under the yoke of MS Word can have an easy to-and-fro with Mellel.

Character Tracking

This new feature allows you to set letter spacing that is wider (or narrower) than the default set within the font. So, if you wanted to Well, you can certainly do that.

Minimum Word Spacing

With this exciting new feature, which is part of the paragraph style, you can squeeze spacing between words to improve the layout of paragraphs by eliminating cases where a word gets bumped to the next line because it is two or three characters too long. For example, if you have the following text (which evidently has a problem) You can easily set things right by changing the Minimum Word Spacing for that paragraph:

Improved Outline

General layout changes make the outline easier to navigate and spot items. The outline is now as beautiful as a daisy on a sunny day, as the following image will attest:

Improved Auto-indent

Indentation for continuing paragraphs and other changes make it much easier (and quicker) to create auto-indent documents (and templates).


Story points now are on a line of their own, making them more prominent (when displayed) and non-intrusive in terms of layout (when hidden).

The List

Following is a list of all the new features and improvements in Mellel

New Features


Bug Fixes

Details about Mellel 4.1.1 (April 8, 2018)

Details about Mellel 4.1.2 (May 23, 2018)

Bug Fixes

Details about Mellel 4.1.3 (August 31, 2018)

Bug Fixes (Mac)

Bug Fixes (iOS)

Details about Mellel 4.1.4 (November 14, 2018)

Bug Fixes (Mac)

Bug Fixes (iOS)

Details about Mellel 4.1.5 (February 5, 2019)

Improvements (Mac)

Bug Fixes (Mac)

Bug Fixes (iOS)

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