Mellel 5.0
In Mellel 5.0 you’ll find several important additions, such as ePUB export, Word Format (docx) export, new document options, Track changes improvements, table editing convenience and more.

New Features in Mellel 5.0

Export to Word Format (docx)

Mellel allowed you to export to the RTF Word Format since circa when Elvis was still in the building. RTF was a universal (and documented) format providing a good solution for those who needed to export to Word format. But times they are a changing and Elvis have certainly left the auditorium so we came up with export support DOCX format. This format is an open format used by many word-processors but in particular MS-Word (which is not surprising since Microsoft(tm) originated it). Virtually any feature in Mellel that can be exported is exported to this format, and the formatting should look very-very similar, with some small exceptions resulting from differences in the ways which Mellel and MSWord render text.

Export to ePUB

You can now export Mellel documents to the ePub format. The ePub format is the de-facto standard for electronic publishing, and Mellel's support of the format is extensive. In Many cases, it even allows you to get rid of specialized ePub editors, and use Mellel alone. In other cases, it seriously shortens the path toward a finished ePub document. Mellel offers great control over the details of publishing, including the structure of the document, metadata, font and image control, and more. The settings are saved with the original Mellel document so you can fine-tune your setup and re-export without having to re-do the settings. You can also save the settings in a template, so to re-use the setup with other documents.

Spine Arrangement

The spine in ePub export allows you to control the order of content elements and their inclusion in your ePub publication. You can include or exclude an element, re-order the elements by dragging them up or down. When exporting Mellel will use your choices here to set the order of items and their inclusion in the publication.

Cover Image

A cover image is used to represent the publication when browsing in a an ebook reader application. You can include a cover image for your ePUB and also use it to setup a cover page (a page inside the book showing the cover), if you like.


Mellel gives you control over the essential metadata for your ePUB including Title, Author and Category. You also can set the publication ID, language and direction.

TOC Control

Mellel will generate a table of contents for your ePUB publication based on the Auto-Titles in the text. If you’re using Auto-Titles for your titles, you're probably 90 percent set-up, but the ToC control gives you additional features to set some aspects of the export appearance, including the inclusion and positioning of the ePub table of contents using the spine control.

Note export

our notes are, of-course, exported to the ePUB document and Mellel gives you fine control over how notes of each stream are exported (e.g., at the end of a chapter, in-place or at the end of the document).

Font & Image control

You can control whether font names are included in your document or not, and whether fonts sizes are relative or not. Your images are exported, of course, and Mellel allows you to control the export resolution, to avoid making the exported file too bulky.

New Icon

The icon is new, but also old — it is already used with the iOS version of Mellel. We wanted to unify all under one roof, so to say, and also silence the unjust and unfair (but right) critics of the "blue icon."

New Document options

A simple, but much requested option: You can now opt to directly open a new file when choosing File->New or clicking the New Document button in the Welcome to Mellel window instead of being shown the template browser.

Accepting or Rejecting multiple changes

A real boon for those using Track Changes: up to Mellel 5.0 the only options to accept or reject tracked changes in your document ware either one-by-one or all-at-once. Now you have a third option: accepting or rejecting multiple changes at once. All you need to do is to select the text containing the changes you wish to accept or reject, and via Edit > Track Changes > Accept/Reject Selected Changes do all the changes at once.

Add Table Rows/Columns

Adding rows and columns before or after the selection was a drag, because you could only add one of those at a time. This was fine if you only added a row or a column every now and then, but proved to be quite annoying if you had to add 200 rows before the current row. Now you can add his feature allows you to add rows and columns to a table via a new dialogue box. You can now add multiple rows or columns either before or after the current row or column as well as at the end of the table.

Deleting Templates

Adding custom templates to Mellel is, and always was, so easy it was too easy. You just had to Choose File->Save as Template, and there you are. But what happened when the template became redundant? Until Mellel 5.0 you had to either live with them or manually delete them from within Application Support. Now you have a much more elegant solution: you can select the template in the template browser window, and click the aptly named Delete Template button. A warning about the irreversibility of the operation will be presented and once you've approved the deletion the template, much like Elvis, will be gone.

Adding detached (Diamond) styles to style set

This feature is a solution to all of you who deal with "detached" styles. Such styles are present in the document but are not part of the Style Set. These styles appear with a diamond shape before their name to designate their status as detached. Mellel already provides you with a way to handle these styles via File > Replace Styles, but one option that was sorely lacking was a way to simply add these styles, as they are, to the style set. With Mellel 5.0 you can finally do it!

The List

Following is a list of all the new features and improvements in Mellel 5.0:

Export to ePUB

Metadata - Title. - Author. - Category. - Unique ID. - Language. - Direction. - Cover Image. Spine - Exclude or include parts of the document. - Order any part of the document. Table of contents - Based on Auto-titles. - List tag flows separately or integrated. - Exclude or include TOC in ePUB contents and position it anywhere using the Spine. Notes - Control placement of notes in ePUB separate from placement in document. - Position endnotes section anywhere using the Spine. Fonts - Export using actual font names or a generic description. - Use relative or absolute font sizes. Images - Convert images to PNG or JPEG. - Set Image resolution. Misc - Control over marker export. - Control story point export. - Display cross references as traditional links.

Export to Word format (docx)

New Icon

New Document options

Accept/Reject multiple changes

Add Table Rows/Columns

Deleting Templates

Adding detached (Diamond) styles to style set

New Factory Template

Release Notes

Details about Mellel 5.0.0 (July 1 2020)

New Features - Export to ePUB. - Export to Word Format (docx). - Add Table Rows/Columns dialog. - New Document preferences option. - New Icon, about box and other related screens. - New "Novel" book factory template. Improvements - Template Browser Delete Template button. - Track Changes Accept/Reject Selected Changes command. - Revised and updated user manual. - Revised and updated factory templates. - Revised and localizations. - Replaced icon for Traditional Chinese language. - Improved the way table borders are applied on a table selection. - Copying Cell text attributes from the appropriate cells when adding new table rows or columns. Bug fixes - Fixed a rare and random crashing bug upon returning to work in Mellel after some time away from the application. - Fixed some minor memory leaks.

Details about Mellel 5.0.2 (August 3 2020)

Details about Mellel 5.0.3 (August 5 2020)

Details about Mellel 5.0.4 (September 29 2020)

Details about Mellel 5.0.5 (November 20 2020)

Details about Mellel 5.0.6 (March 1 2021)

Details about Mellel 5.0.7 (June 6 2021)

Details about Mellel 5.0.8 (September 6 2021)

Details about Mellel 5.0.9 (January 10 2022)

All rights reserved to Mellel Software, 2002-2025